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  • in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15500
    GOLD Member
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      Ok thats interesting. I will try that when I have the time to sit with it again

      in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15497
      GOLD Member
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        Thanks again. Mine is type 2020 and has a lot more going on

        F094BC5D-5547-4073-A9DD-4785507D01ADguess the same applies to the bottom og the PCB.

        but great to have some sort of reference.

        I had some corrospondance with the seller and he tells me it didnt work with a power supply for him, but it did connected tol the MCL2P.

        cant really see what difference that should make?

        in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15493
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          Thank you very much. Then I can rule out errors regarding these specifications

          in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15491
          GOLD Member
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            Guy, is there a pin connection drawing on the PSU for your MCL2-AV if you have it handy?

            thsnks in advance

            in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15486
            GOLD Member
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              Hi again and thanks for the hint.
              the problem persists without the IR eye connected, so may not be that. Right now im suspecting an SMD transistor

              in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15481
              GOLD Member
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                Yes thats the way cabling should look like in a man cave ?

                I dont have the original PSU so I am using a bench power supply with wires soldered to the PCB. It should be ok as I am getting the right voltage levels other places on the board except that 5.5V that is not showing up.

                in reply to: MCL2 AV no 5,5V #15477
                GOLD Member
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                  Am I right in assuming that the MCL2 AV will start up and work stand alone without connection to a MCL master?

                  in reply to: Beogram 7000 and Beosystem 6500 #15397
                  GOLD Member
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                    Hey you friendly folks, Millesmissen was right, the two “upper” pins are missing. Clipped out, it seems, I can see the holes left. So I guess it’s only a minor operation.

                    Great to hear that it might just be the simple solution.

                    Just a thought, if you connect it again and activate the input on the Beomaster with the remote can you activate the Beogram via its own play button and hear sound?

                    in reply to: Beogram 7000 and Beosystem 6500 #15393
                    GOLD Member
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                      When I plugged the BG7000 into the phono socket of the BM5500 I could immediately hear that there was something wrong (two RIAA amps) but that wasn’t the case when plugging it into the BM6500, no distortions at all. On the other hand, when I plug it into the CD socket, there’s no sound at all.

                      Have you tried connecting other equipment to that BM6500’s CD socket just to be sure it is actually working?

                      Also check if all the pins are in the connector as Millemissen suggested.

                      However, if I really was so unlucky to get one of these special BM6500; do you think that a skilled B&O service technician is able to build the BM6500 back to its “original” state? I’ve planned to have one of my BM7000 overhauled anyway…

                      I can’t tell from the service manual if the RIAA in the BM6500 is a separate board that can be be removed, as it is only shown as part of a diagram where it is surrounded by dashes and market RIAA amplifier acesory, and the text about cutting pin 7 when RIAA is mounted. Mayby someone who did som work on one of these units can chime in.


                      in reply to: Beogram 7000 and Beosystem 6500 #15385
                      GOLD Member
                        • Denmark
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                        There might be another explanation.

                        As far as I can tell Beomaster’s with built in RIAA use pin 6 in the DIN connector for datalink which is also the case for Beograms without RIAA. Beomasters without built in RIAA use pin 7 for datalink and so does the Beograms with Built in RIAA.

                        I Belive it is a way for the end user not to be able to start a configuration the will not work: Either two RIAA amplifiers or no RIAA amplifiers.

                        The BM6500 had an option for a built in RIAA amplifier, and the service manual states that pin 7 in the DIN conenctor should be cut if mounted thus making it impossible to control a Beogram with built in RIAA.

                        CD and tape sockets use pin 7.

                        A Guess could be that you have a Beomaster 6500 with built in RIAA.


                        in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15201
                        GOLD Member
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                          Testing again. Got it working i windows with Beoplayer software in option 2, working as it should. Thanks Guy. Nice to know I can rule Out ML cabling, option setting on TV etc.

                          Tried again with LP2 on Mac, but only working when set to no Ir Receiver (corrosponds to option 0), and not when in distribution mode.

                          I’ll have to play more with these settings when I have time next for experimentation.

                          in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15137
                          GOLD Member
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                            2 on the TV and 6 on the Beoport

                            With those options I can control and play the TV from the Beoport, changing channels and hearing the sound of the TV when using the PC screen or Beoport IR sensor. I had to manually add TV to the Beoport’s sources. I cannot access N.RADIO, N.MUSIC etc from the TV. If I put the Beoport in Opt 2 (and disconnect its IR sensor) I can access the Beoport from the TV, controlling and hearing N.RADIO, N.MUSIC and CD (actually PC-CD – a disc in the laptop drawer). The only strange behaviour here is that N.RADIO still mutes when first starting and/or changing channels.

                            oh yes that might be it. I keept thinking of it as a link room where it’s actually an audio master. I will try that tomorrow and see if that works. i have a feeling I tried opt 2 with LP2 earlier, but that was before we got avare of the distribution mode in that program, so might as well be why I had trouble in that configuration

                            and also the ML handbook also says option 6 for Beoport, but that is of course right if there is anotheraudiomaster with N sources

                            in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15136
                            GOLD Member
                              • Denmark
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                              2 on the TV and 6 on the Beoport

                              With those options I can control and play the TV from the Beoport, changing channels and hearing the sound of the TV when using the PC screen or Beoport IR sensor. I had to manually add TV to the Beoport’s sources. I cannot access N.RADIO, N.MUSIC etc from the TV. If I put the Beoport in Opt 2 (and disconnect its IR sensor) I can access the Beoport from the TV, controlling and hearing N.RADIO, N.MUSIC and CD (actually PC-CD – a disc in the laptop drawer). The only strange behaviour here is that N.RADIO still mutes when first starting and/or changing channels.

                              oh yes that might be it. I keept thinking of it as a link room where it’s actually an audio master. I will try that tomorrow and see if that works.
                              i have a feeling I tried opt 2 with LP2 earlier, but that was before we got avare of the distribution mode in that program, so might as well be why I had trouble in that configuration

                              in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15129
                              GOLD Member
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                                had a little time and tried again to connect to my BC6 with master link, and this time with the windows Beoplayer software. Again no reaction on the TV from the N.musc or sources. Just checked the connections i mys masterlink cable (which I also used for the experiments with the 1611 box) and they are all good

                                I can try this later with Win10 laptop/Beoport and BV10-32. What option settings did you try on the TV and Beoport?

                                2 on the TV and 6 on the Beoport

                                in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15127
                                GOLD Member
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                                  had a little time and tried again to connect to my BC6 with master link, and this time with the windows Beoplayer software. Again no reaction on the TV from the N.musc or sources. Just checked the connections i mys masterlink cable (which I also used for the experiments with the 1611 box) and they are all good

                                  Guess its time to open the Beoport box and check internal soldering on the conenctor

                                  in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15039
                                  GOLD Member
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                                    Quick tip: the beo4 (in my case BL5000) do wake up the Mac from sleep.

                                    Ok, good to know. Is it any keypress or only source buttons?

                                    in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15014
                                    GOLD Member
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                                      Yes. Having then all checked or only one by one makes no difference.

                                      ok that was my best guess on that one, and probably also the most logical place to make this setting

                                      in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15011
                                      GOLD Member
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                                        I forgot, something that still bugging me: Whatever the preferences I check or not no way to display song name on the Beolab 3500 screen. Any idea? Thanks.

                                        Have you taken a look at the settings in the bottom of the display tab? You can choose between 8, 12 or longer characters display

                                        in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #15010
                                        GOLD Member
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                                          The Options are set up differently in LP2 than in ML devices: you tell the software how you use it and it set the option for you. But you never know what actual option number it chooses for you. As long as it works, meaning beo4 remote control without IR eye, I’m fine with this.

                                          Yes the option settings are no quite clear though I thin its only in the IR receiver menu you choose it. However the one called Respond to audio commands only Says it equivalent to option 1 or 5 where I would think it should be one or the other.

                                          Trying to get more knowledge I tried to swap the Beoport box between a Windows computer with Beoplayer, and the Mac with Both BMlink, LP1 and LP2, and the option settings set in one app doesn’t seem to hold on when you switch between app’s and computers, so the option settings doesn’t seem to be stored in the Beoport box. Might also be one of the reasons it can not work without a computer connected.

                                          Being able to control the PC source in Distribution (Masterlink) mode as you can in Local (Mac Mediacenter mode) would make it perfect. But Madskp tell us why this not seems to be possible so lets say where we are is enough…

                                          I am afraid that in LP2 distribution to ML is only possible for and N.Radio sources according to this page:

                                          PhilLondon Wrote:

                                          Now, something important to understand about V2, it the way it handles 2 “channels”.

                                          There is the sound that is sent to the Masterlink when you call N.Music or N.Radio, and there is the sound and image that is played locally on your Mac, or on your TV if you use it as a Mediacenter.

                                          The first “channel” is called “Distribution” and the second is called “Local playback”.

                                          The is now a “View” menu, and you can switch the virtual remote from one channel to another. By default the remote always starts by controlling the local playback, but if you’re distributing N.MUSIC to other rooms, you can switch the remote to “Distribution” and follow or control what is playing.However you cannot start or stop a “Distribution” source from the virtual remote. You can only start it with your Beo4 in the relevant room. When you switch to Distribution, you’ll see all the items in the Source menu will be greyed out to reflect that.

                                          As mentioned earlier it seems that focus ind development of LP2 was more focused on making it a local Media center than a distribution system to ML


                                          in reply to: Playing With Beolink PC2/Beoport and old Mac… #14987
                                          GOLD Member
                                            • Denmark
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                                            The problem was the stupid operator who didn’t switch LP2 to Distribution Mode. Problem solved.

                                            I also found this in one of the threads on the older forums.

                                            The multiple sources playing creating the echoes is also an operator related problem: it was iTunes playing in the background on top of the LP2 playing.

                                            Yes as far as I can read LP2 is not using itunes as the player for distribution, but it might use it when choosing it as a local source.

                                            I’m not able to select the PC input even after configuring it in LP2 source preferences. When in Mac mode I was able to browse the album/artist/genre lists from the currently playing track screen (like going one level up on an iPod). Now I can’t anymore and thats makes the PC mode necessary.

                                            In one of the old threads I also saw a mention that only and can be distributed and all other sources are only local to the Beoport.

                                            From what I can read in the old threads Linkplayer was evolving to be a mediacenter with the computer connected to a TV, but far more advanced than the later Beomedia 1. All the sources might therefor be more related to this functionality than to distribution on ML.


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