Master link help

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  • #25748
    BRONZE Member
      • Topics Started 4
      • Total Posts 11

      I live in the US, looking for an installer with master link experience.

      Must replace my BV 7-55 but want to save my master link connecting BS 9000 to other rooms. I know options available to update my TV surround situation. I’d like to preserve the option of listening to the BS 9000 in the other rooms without connecting to the TV. Thanks

        • Warwickshire, UK
        • Topics Started 14
        • Total Posts 1,235

        You should simply be able to unplug the ML cable from the BV7-55 and this should not prevent the BS9000 being listened to in other rooms.

        However, assuming that you are currently listening to the BS9000 through the TV and its speakers, then you will need a solution for that room. If the BS9000 is in the same room, the simplest solution is simply to add BeoLab active speakers to the BS9000.

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