I realise that my kit is getting a little long in the tooth, but I have a wonderful BV7-40 that I am trying to get to work with an Apple TV and a HDFury DIVA scaler.
The EDID in the DIVA interface is BeoVision 7: 1080P60 8b.
I read this as 1080p 60 refresh rate 8 bit RGB Color. I would like to be sure I am interpreting this correctly. And is it 8b low or high ?
I am having trouble as well passing the audio from the ATV. I have had weird problems with this and am currently forcing the ATV to DD 5.1 or Stereo. I believe that the EDID will also describe what audio to pass-through, but I can not find much information on this.
Sorry to be long-winded and lost. I hope somebody with a BV7 is out there and can lend a hand. Thanks so much !