- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by
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- March 24, 2024 at 3:15 pm #31579
Hi, I have a BM/BS 5 hooked up to a pair of beoab 9’s. But the problem is that my computer, with Windows 10 installed, I see the HDD of the BM 5 but it doesnt let me transfer enyting on it (WMP sees the HDD but iTunes does Not). Another thing is that the beoconnect app sees the BM5 but it doesnt Connect, and shows a message that says that is unable to Connect!!
can anyone help me…
March 24, 2024 at 11:38 pm #31628Non ricordo se si debba usare Beoconnect con il BM5. In ogni caso, non è obbligatorio e non l’ho mai usato.
iTunes non si connetterà mai al BM5. La procedura è la seguente: (1) si collega il PC via Ethernet o Wi-Fi al BM5. Una volta collegato, il BM5 appare come un “disco rigido” o “server” collegato al PC. È quindi possibile trascinare i brani dal disco del PC al BM5.
Provate con un brano che possedete o che avete rippato su iTunes, in modo che non sia “protetto”, cioè non abbia una gestione dei diritti digitali, ma sia semplicemente un file musicale aperto, ad esempio .MP3, .WAV o .AAC. Su iTunes, selezionate “mostra file” per quel brano e vi mostrerà dove si trova il brano sul disco. A questo punto è possibile trascinare il brano dal disco alla cartella “Musica” del BM5… e una copia verrà inserita nel BM5.
Buona fortuna!
I cannot remember if one was supposed to use Beoconnect with the BM5. In any event, it is not necessary, and I have never used it.
iTunes will never connect to the BM5. The procedure is this: (1) you connect your PC via ethernet/Wi-Fi to the BM5. Once you are connected, the BM5 appears as a “hard drive” or “server” connected to your PC. You can then drag songs from your PC’s disk to the BM5.
Try with one song you own or have ripped yourself on iTunes, so that it is not “protected” —this means, it has no digital rights management; instead, it is simply a n open music file, such as .MP3, or .WAV, or .AAC, for example. On iTunes, select “show file” for that song, and it will show where on your disk the song is. You can then drag the song from your disk to the BM5 “Music” folder… and a copy will be made into the BM5.
Good luck!
March 25, 2024 at 9:46 pm #31666Ciao, ho visto che sei italiano faccio prima. Allora sì ho collegato il BM5 al pc, tramite BeoConnect, e si collega. Dopo un po’, però, il disco rigido diventa non più accessibile, con la successiva disconnessione del BM5. Poi ho notato una cosa, sul display esce scritto l’ip, ecco prima è uguale a quello del pc ma cambia solo l’ultima cifra ma poi, dopo la disconnessione, cambia completamente, ogni cifra, e non ritorna come prima (ne staccando e riattaccando il LAN né riavviando il BM5). Io il BM5 lo tengo collegato direttamente al modem (Vodafone) con un cavo CAT 6 nell’uscita classica (non WLAN).
mi sai dire perché ?? GrazieMarch 26, 2024 at 6:08 pm #31708Paolo,
I am not a network expert but from what I know, yes, generally speaking, in most homes, the IP address of your computer should be very similar to the IP address of the BS5. For example:
BS5: similarity is critical because if the first 3 numbers (example: 192.160.10) are different between the two devices, communications are impossible unless special protocols are deployed.
A thing to keep in mind is that when a device loses contact with the gateway, the device self-assigns a random address. So, for instance, if your BS loses contact (which could be physical due to a faulty wire or connector, or virtual due to a protocol change), it is possible it will self-assign to itself a strange IP such as or Such a self-assigned IP will not be able to connect to the PC, unless special measures are deployed.
The symptoms you describe are better analyzed with a person who knows computers, rather than a person who knows B&O!
Good luck,
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