Cant tell the difference sonically sound-wise between them.
Suspect Mk2 = revised parts as Mk1 components become revised.
Mk1 and Mk2 have zero wireless capabilities
I would say the Mk2 white has a thicker, more enamel-like “paint-job” over the Mk1.
I think B&O have moved-on dramatically since they introduced these ground-breaking speakers (2005 IIRC?). However, I think as a surround speaker they are excellent for the sound and compactness but would question their sonic performance in a primary music-room loudspeaker.
@anneblack response must be wrong. There is no “advanced wireless connectivity option with the inclusion of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities” in Beolab 3.
***************************** I believe Anneblack is some sort of robot. It therefore has been removed.